Friday, January 8, 2010

Mossimo >>>> Bonds

Fleshed out update: buying 60 chupa chups for $9.72 at Big W

So I will sit here, suck on my 16.2 cent lollypop (strawberry) and blog away.

Obviously I went shopping, and as I found it necessary to share my delight at the chupa chup purchase, you can assume correctly it wasn't a very goal-oriented shopping day. The main thing I brought away from this shopping (besides the collection of random objects which included highlighters and previously mentioned candy), is....


When did it become ok for Bonds to charge so much for normal underwear?

First I shall note that I'm not some stingy hobo wearing undies from the bin outside Coles, but really Bonds clearly thinks it is way more awesome than it is.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy Bonds like every single other Australian. Their singlets made up 80% of my wardrobe from the year 2004-2006, the hoodies are perfection and I've probably had their hipster bikini in every colour. Ever.

However, on the shopping trip that resulted in the update, I began in Myer and bought a pair of MitchDowd Girl undies (blue and awesome) for $13.95, and 2 pairs of Mossimo boyleg for $19.95, and because Myer is supreme in the underwear realm, they were 25% off. Fabulous. I felt like I was practically stealing from them.

I digress....anyway we ended up in Target (you must always visit Target and you will always purchase things you didn't know you needed. Like Bunnings) and the Bonds undies (in Target) were $12. And that was 20% off!

Bonds. $12. Each. In Target.
(You'll remember I recently paid $7.48 each for Mossimo)

Are you kidding? When did that happen? I admit I may have graduated from Bonds (mostly), but I remember them being like $6...or something. What the f?
Wearing Bonds said "I am wearing undies that are just undies, but they're comfy and in a good colour, and you're probably wearing them too" (just like Chloe & Lola says "I'm female and I make money, but I'd prefer that YOU just made more money so I can spend my time buying nice girly things").

I'm not complaining at the price of $12 (obviously), but Bonds used to be cool and cheap. Now they're too cool. Bonds needs to have a look at their brand identity - just because you have a section in Myer and Davind Jones does not mean you are competing with Elle Macpherson. You're not. Calvin Klein can charge whatever they want. You're Bonds. Go back in your box.

Hehehehe "box".

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